Saturday, March 17, 2012

Workout DVD's

Image via Tracy Anderson
Turbo Fire via Beach Body
Rockin' Body via Beach Body
P90X via Beach Body
Ok, so I have been talking about spring for a few days now and I really need to take my fitness more seriously. I'm not afraid to admit that I am self conscious about the weather getting warmer and the dreaded fact that wearing shorts, spaghetti strap tank tops and what my legs look like when I cross them while sitting (I think we've all been there) is drawing near. I have converted one of my guest bedrooms into a home gym and use it frequently for the treadmill and when I do strength training, however for workout DVD's I have to go downstairs and workout in the living room for the space. I was halfway through with my Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis DVDs and I came home one day from work to find that my dog had gotten into the package and was gnawing on the discs (he got a BIG time out for that because those DVDs were not cheap). So now I am bringing back out my old Gillian Michaels and Tae Bo DVDs, but I was curious about these other total body workouts that have been in the mainstream lately i.e. P90x, Insanity, TurboFire, etc. I'm thinking about trying one, but not sure which one. Any suggestions?      

Pics of my converted gym after the jump. 

UPDATE: TurboFire wins! I ordered it yesterday and I will get it by the end of this week (which is good as that give me enough time to finish the bottle of pinot I have...) Thank you all for your inputs!! :-)

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All images by Mary E.


  1. I've being doing the supreme 90 day system and it's been kicking my butt. I've been doing it for about a week and can already see and feel the results. It's available at Walmart for about 20 dollars and all you need are some dumbells and stability ball.

  2. That's awesome thank you Jessica I'll have to see what it's all about next time I go there. Do they give you a specific diet plan as well or are you doing your own thing?

  3. Hey! The set comes with 10 DVDs, a work-out schedule, and a menu to follow. The schedule is really easy to follow bc it tells you what DVD to do each day for the 90 days. The meal plan is for 30 days so you restart it every month. The booklet gives you six meals a day and a few recipes. I haven't been following the meal plan exactly bc some things I don't like (cream of wheat, etc) but it's easy to substitute items. Hope this helps!


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